Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy 2017

Today is my first working day of the new year and I am happy to report that the holidays were spent the way holidays should be spent- with my family and too many calories to easily count. 2016 had its ups and down for sure but turning the page from one year to the next is always a little bitter sweet. The gets get older and so do us adults. My baby girl will be turning six in just over a week and the little man will be five by the end of the summer and ready to head to Kindergarten. On a running note this year will mark 20 years since I lined up at my first marathon way back in 1997. I will at some point write down the historic tail of that race as well as the others that are missing from here for posterity. I have four marathons scheduled for the first half of this year in the states on Alabama, Michigan, Arizona, and Utah which will bring me to the halfway point of my 50 states marathon adventure.

I really don’t know what to say about politics in the upcoming year other than it looks like 2017 will be really interesting. My hope is that the things will settle down and we can stop seeing those with different political views as enemies but I am not holding my breath on that one.

Here is to 2017 and hope that anyone reading this has a great start to the new year!

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